Friday, October 3, 2014

Feeling Savagy

Its October 3rd, 2am and I don't have to work tomorrow, which is why I'm staying up late blogging.

I have so much on my mind.

First, I broke my soda diet today.   I went to the Swan Oyster Depot on Polk St. in San Francisco today, I had some time before my walking tour began on Nob Hill, I wasn't giving the walking tour, I was actually tagging along with so I could learn more about SF.

The Swan Oyster Depot is supposedly one of the best places to eat raw seafood in town.  I went in and the first thing out of my mouth was like, "do you guys fry anything here" ?  The answer was no so I just had the Clam Chowder which I didn't care for, it was so watery.

The walking tour went great.  We got to walk thru the Grace Cathedral Church, the Fairmont Hotel and the Big Four Restaurant.

Before the walking tour began I was reading up in the SFBG on Chinese political activist/artist - Ai WeiWei's new art installation on Alcatraz Island.  I've known his artwork was coming to the Bay Area for quite sometime, as I read the story in the paper, it was everything I imagined it would be, moving, emotional, political, inspiring.  I was really moved by the story so much that I had to send in a thank you note to the journalist for writing the story.

Of the 7 pieces that Ai designed for Alcatraz, one installation was inspired by the 1969 Alcatraz Occupation takeover by the Bay Area Native American tribes so I knew Ai was going deep with his art.  The piece that is dedicated to the Natives is called, "Illumination" , which calls to history in 1895 when about 19 Hopi's who were imprisoned on Alcatraz for not sending their kids to Native American boarding school.

Just reading that small part of the article meant so much to me because I love reading anything about Native American culture.  There are so many non-native people out there, factions, local cities, government, and whoever who don't give a fuck about Natives.  So it was a nice feeling & gesture, that Ai took the time to remember the people and the atrocities from a Native perspective.

Next week I'll be heading over to Alcatraz for the annual Sunrise Ceremony, so I can't wait to walk around and explore Ai WeiWei exhibitions.

Lets move onto the next topic, my love life, it still sucks.

Moving on.

I really miss my Native friends from school.

I am not one of those Natives who shun my culture, I embrace it, I love it, I flourish in it, even when I'm not around it or my people.

I know, that if I ever see any of my old Native friends from my past that we'll pick up right where we left off.  Which I can never say about my non-Native friends.  I don't know, maybe I am a racist that way because I prefer being with my own, Natives.

*Flashback time*

Do you know whats fucked up.  A couple years ago, one of my comedy friends said I enjoy being the only Native in the comedy community because I enjoy all the attention of being the only Native everyone knows.

Theres a whole lot of things wrong with this statement, here they are in no particular order:

- its because this person made that statement and said more fucked up shit along those lines, I no longer associate with that person, trust me, this was an ongoing thing and it needed to stop.  

- in my perfect world, i would love to still live in Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, or be in some Native community because thats my preference, I love being around Native people, and not be around degenerate, junky, alcoholic, socio-path comedians who don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves, so no, I don't prefer being by myself, I prefer being around loving people, Natives.

- I'm not white, I'm not heterosexual, I don't go to Burning Man therefore my jokes will not reflect that but I did once say, "you know you're white trash if you took your family vacation at Burning Man"

- I'm not down with that last of the mohican bullshit, if you're a non-native and you don't know any Native people than too bad, what the fuck am I supposed to do about it, I barely hang out with any Natives myself.

I would like to end this blog on a positive note, its about a dream I had a couple weeks ago.

In my dream, I saw some of my old Native friends from school and when I realized it was them, my heart leapt for joy and I cried because I was so happy to see them.


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