Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'll be honest, there are some days when I second guess my decision to become a stand up comedian. Even when I was riding around with Shawa Romero my last week at Haskell in the summer of 2003, ever before I started this journey, I remember saying to her, "Dang Shawna, can you see me being a stand up comedian" , and she said back to me, "yeah, why not" ?

I got some really fabulous news today and unfortunately due to contractual obligations, I can't say anything until I get the green light to start blabbin away. I'm really excited because I'm going to get another shot at super uber stardom. Other than that, I can't say anything like the who, what, when, where, why, and how. But when I do, trust me, whoever reads my blog will the first to know.


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